Leaving Your Safety Net

Found a very useful post by Kristen Lamb entitled: Go Hard or Go Home – Blogging & Branding. When I started this blog, I knew what I was going to do with it: make it my professional writing blog. And with that in mind I got a blog name that reflected that goal. I’ve spammed my name everywhere on this thing as you can see, and Kristen also recommends tagging all your WP, blog, whatever entries.

She goes into details on this in the article, but in short, you’re making it easier for folks to find your information. Someone talks about your story/book? They google it and voila, your name comes up. Tagged in your blog, hopefully in the *name* of your blog, etc. A simple solution, but very effective. Being in the website building business, it’s sad that I didn’t think of this on my own.

Sometimes its difficult mixing our everyday job with our writer lives. Its tempting to feel like this is a project all on its own, with rewards only you’ll be able to see. But once you start getting your name out there, allowing folks to find more of your stuff will increase that word-of-mouth phenomenon. And that, my friends, is every writers goal.

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