NaNoWriMo 2012

  • And the winner is…

    Feels good, man! After failing horribly last year at getting my NaNo completed, it sure does feel good to mark this one off my list. This is the second NaNo I’ve completed this year if you include Camp NaNo. It’s amazing how having a deadline and constant statistics to look at helps improve my wordcount…

  • Researching the Occult

    So one of the problems I’ve run into with using magic in my series is that doing research is really difficult. My online searching keep running into pen and paper roleplaying games or online MMOs instead of anything that’s actually historically probable. Luckily I’ve got a few books at home that help me get to…

  • Romances and Creepy Paths

    So even though I am re-reading The Hobbit right now in preparation for Peter Jackson’s film release in just a few weeks (can you say excited?), I promise you that I didn’t have it in mind when I wrote my bit today. It just so happened that the path that leads to the witch’s house…

  • Mini Council of Doom?

    Just a quick post this afternoon. After being sick last weekend I ended up being so slothfully behind that I ended up spending most of the day today playing catchup. Amazing how it only takes a day or two of non-writing to get you skewered. Project: Smoke & Witchcraft Summary: My trio of protagonists (a…

  • Everything is amazing

    My 200th post and I just hit over 10k words on NaNo. Hooray!! Amazing to realize that I’ve been posting here for what, almost two years now? It’s awesome to think I’ve been writing stories for so long, and actually getting stuff published. (It still amazes me that folks are willing to pay me for…