
  • Intense Scenes

    It’s amazing when you finally get to write a scene that you’ve had rattling around inside your head for years. It’s also terrifying because you hope that you’ve done the scene justice to what you see in your head. It’s definitely a love/hate relationship because on one hand you can’t wait to share with people…

  • So Much Red Tape

    I feel so bad for Shaleigh. It’s not just the terrible events and situations she has to deal with, but my goodness does she also have a lot of red tape to cut through! It doesn’t matter if she’s talking with Dean Hammond or a leader of a land, there always seems to be some…

  • Such a Busy January

    Whew, it has been a busy week! Between Stolen’s release day back on January 22nd to helping my sister with her art festival all weekend, I’m mentally pretty tired. I finally got to do one thing that I’ve wanted to do for a while since I’ve been working on promotions and prep work for the…

  • Abstract Emotions & Writing

    I went to bed last night thinking of black spirals climbing up into the sky, like enormous screws climbing out of the ground. Sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it? Let me assure you that it will all make sense once Broken gets released. Or I hope it will… The words flowed again today and I was…

  • The People in Your Head

    When you finally get through the block that you’ve had for too long, the floodgates open, and all the words start pouring out. I love that feeling. I also love making progress finally. Sure, it’s post-NaNoWriMo, but progress is progress! I get away from a set of characters for a bit and then come back…